
What is ibsolutions?

IBSolutions is the import and export consulting, planning and management company of Group IB which is also composed of the companies IBLogistics and IBTrading.

Why the creation of ibsolutions?

IBSolutions was born between 2010 and 2011 as a consulting and management company, functioning as an import and export department of companies. Over time and with new market needs, IBSolutions began to focus on planning and managing issues related to international sales and purchasing. In this sense, today Ibsolutions’ main actions are:

Evaluate better logistics, tax, financial and accounting options for exporters and importers;

Develop planning mainly in the financial, logistics and tax areas that have direct impacts on the costs of international operations;

Share good import and export practices, such as: special customs procedures (drawback, customs transit, warehouse), exchange tools and internal dynamics of the import and export departments (procedures and routines);

Installation of companies inside and outside Brazil; Analysis of import and export feasibility; Analysis of competitors in import and export.

Desired benefits with the creation of ibsolutions

Sharing knowledge and experience;

Adding value to import and export operations;

Search for new commercial opportunities;

Broad view on international supplier and buyer markets;

Access to strategic market and competitor information for better decision making;

Proper use of decision makers’ time and operational teams through time management and decision making.

How are we structured?

To truly add value to import and export operations, we structure ourselves as follows:

Commercial team composed of international business analyst and international logistics specialist;

Professionals with English and Spanish languages, able to negotiate inside and outside Brazil;

Profissionais com idiomas inglês e espanhol, aptos a negociarem dentro e fora do Brasil;

Business management system, with sending FOLLOW UPs with updated business status in progress;

Sistema de gestão de negócios, com envio de FOLLOW UPs com status atualizado dos negócios em andamento;

Information system that brings information from competitors and markets to the generation of new business;

Sistema de informação que traz informações de concorrentes e mercados para a geração de novos negócios;

Support material with news of Brazilian foreign trade;                                                              

Material de apoio com novidades do comércio exterior brasileiro;

Monitoring performance through performance indexes projects and results achieved.

Acompanhamento de desempenho por meio de índices de performance, projetos e resultados alcançados.

How is the dynamics done with the other companies in group ib?

IBSolutions continues as the management and consulting company that plans and executes import and export projects, while IBL performs shipment management with direct actions in international and national logistics, in addition to total action in customs clearance at origin and destination. IBT enters the development of suppliers and products, with a great focus on cost reduction.

What changes from the operation carried out so far?

Nothing. What happened was the addition of services that were previously made by third parties and are now carried out by the group companies. IBSolutions continues thinking and generating part of new business, while the other companies in group IB carry out the operations.

Is the ibsolutions client obliged to contract the services of the other companies of group ib?

No. The IBSolutions client has the freedom to hire third parties at any time, but this must be responsible for the entire logistics chain.